Auschwitz – why they did not do anything?

In the spring, in April 1944 r. Allied reconnaissance aircraft photographed a rubber and synthetic oil factory, która sąsiadowała z niemieckim obozem zagłady Auschwitz-Birkenau rejestrując przy okazji wstrząsające...

City ruins – destroyed Warsaw

Between October 1944, a styczniem 1945 German troops destroyed an 30% pre-war buildings of our capital. Irreparably damaged were the hundreds of priceless artifacts, oraz obiektów...

The mystery of Hitler's death

There is no doubt, Adolf Hitler decided that the, that suicide was his only option. Hitler was also confirmed, that Mussolini was captured and shot in Italy,...

Hitler Youth – perversion of German youth

In the years before World War II, elite of the Nazi regime set up an organization dedicated to fostering a sense of loyalty in the German youth. The Nazis believed, że nazistowska mentalność powinna...

Hiroshima lies of mass destruction?

Hiroszima, Japanese port city and industrial center on the main island of Japan. On 6 August 1945 Hiroshima suffered years of destruction, to an unprecedented and unknown level....

Hitler's secret weapon – Haunebau

14 December 1944 years – New York Times newspaper wrote in an article: “A mysterious flying round a new weapon in Germany.” “Main Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force,...

Fatherland – Mystery of the Third Reich

The whole drama of the film is Wrapped on what would happen if. The year is 1964. Adolf Hitler had virtually won World War II. Conquered all of Europe, znaczną...

German missile V-1 jet

Missile V-1 flying bomb commonly known as. Już pod koniec lat trzydziestych rozpoczęto prace nad projektem Fi-103 (V-1) Fritz who ran Gosslau. W pocisku V-1 wykorzystywano...

Night of Long Knives

Night of Long Knives (concept. Night of Long Knives) – was carried out at night 29 to 30 June 1934. Many of us are probably familiar with....