Hitler's secret weapon – Haunebau

haunebau14 December 1944 years – New York Times newspaper wrote in an article: “A mysterious flying round a new weapon in Germany.”

“Main Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, 13 December 1944 years – The new German weapon will do terrible impression on the eastern front – report from today. U.S. Air Force pilot reported, that observed during the reconnaissance flight silver, round objects in the German skies. Bullets were in the crowd or move themselves. There were moments, when it became translucent…”.

A similar event (and there were quite a few) was reported by the pilot veteran 415 Nocturnal Aviation Squadron.

Was then on a scouting mission on Hagenau. He was 22 December 1944 years, hour 6 morning. While flying at an altitude 1000 feet, pilot and radar operator saw two objects for the tail plane. Mysterious objects glowed orange, and from time to time the aircraft was approaching nearer. Pilot came into sharp barrel, objects still flew behind him. For two minutes mysterious podkradały vehicles as a pilot, with the result that he had to perform a classic defensive maneuvers, when he suddenly disappeared after a while…

Explaining the situation, which occurred was a real problem for the military. In any case, the pilots did not attack these facilities, they were also attacked by. They were called “Foo Fighters”. So far (officially) These events are not explained in any. It was, however, some, that this was not the Allied Technology – and that was one of the most serious problems for commanders.

In the next 10 years, when fiction and reality often won, German technology achievements vanished. Today, we can conclude, The mysterious objects in the sky, This improvement has deliberately forgotten after World War II anti-gravitational advanced technology vehicles.

Seek to interpret the truth from year to year was a thing that requires more dedication. The impact of fascist (then still) science-fiction was so strong, so that the truth could easily wipe up with a lie, And the reality was increasingly difficult to verify. Separating truth from the past 50 years from the fictions writers, thing, which required many sacrifices.

One of the people, who worked during the war on the motions of flying saucers was the captain of the Luftwaffe, designer Rudolph Schriever flying vehicles. In 1950 he declared, that he worked near Prague in the composition of a small team, whose aim was to develop a new type of flying saucer.

This information first appeared in the media in the newspaper “Der Spiegel” of 30 March 1950 year in the article “Untertassen-Flieger Kombination”.

foto“… Rudolph Schriever, who claims, that engineers from around the world since the early 40's and conducted research on flying saucers, plans to build such a machine for the United States during the 6 of 9 months. 40-year-old graduate of the University of Prague, the following, that made the copy machine documentation, he calls flying disc. He managed to get it before the fall of Germany, since then confiscating the documents could be. Claims, that the machine could accelerate to speeds close 2600 mph…”

Some of the materials Rudolph went to the media. The documents were drawings of flying saucers powerful, a whole series of technical documentation, which unfortunately were incomplete. Schriever died in the late 50's.

Bill Rose investigator on the case discovered, Schriever that worked with other scientists, as Klaus Habermohl and Giuseppe Belluzo (Italian engineer), and also with Dr. Walter Miethe. Studies have shown Rose, Miethe that he was Director of the vehicles in the two centers of gravity outside Prague. We know a little more detail nt. work of Dr. Walter, However, we do not have accurate information nt. Wernhera of Brauna, which from 1933 photographer, his.

Currently, we are confident, that at least one of the scientists, which was m.in. Viktor Schauberger was involved in the production of flying disks. Flew to Prague in the year 1945 – as he admitted Schriever. His initial experiments were associated with levitation. Born in 1885 years, Schauberger was interested in a particular nature. Initially, as an outstanding teacher, later as a researcher learned about their own natural mechanism for the exchange of energy on Earth.


He claimed, that “current technology uses bad effects. Based on entropy – movement, which is used by nature to separate the dense matter. And yet… Nature uses a completely different type of phenomenon with an increase. Technologia Panująca bazująca that eksplozji – fuel combustion and separation of atoms – completed in the expanding world, heat-generating power plant, which is harmful.”

Schauberger wierzył, that the current energy production can be replaced by a reverse process to that, which takes place today, namely that, nature which shall. He was opposed to the hydroelectric power plant: “When water under pressure passes through the turbines, rezultatem jest ‘martwa woda'”. Therefore, he designed a special version of the turbine intake, which “animate” water.


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