Wilhelm Canaris

Wilhelm Canaris (1887-1945) German admiral and head of the Abwehr – military intelligence at the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, born 1 January 1887 in the village Aplerbeck, w rodzinie przemysłowca z Westfalii.Ojciec pochodzenia greckiego.

Until he joined the Imperial Navy in 1905. At the end of World War I he commanded a submarine in the Mediterranean, and also directed the, various intelligence missions in Italy and Spain. Since 1920 Staff Officer of the Navy in the Baltic Fleet. W późniejszym czasie dowódca okrętu wojennegoSchlesien”. Immediately after the war was a co-revolutionary militia and participated in the Kapp. Highly prized Hitler's political program antywersalski, and its pathological even fear communism and Russia found its expression in overt promotion of the reaction during the Weimar Republic. Canaris hated mob violence and brutality which posed a Nazi, and his attitude has become even more ambiguous, when the first of January 1935 he was appointed head of the Abwehr, He remained until February 1944 years. Jako szef Abwehry, Wilhelm Canaris was an incompetent dilettante, His analysis were often misguided, ai scope of available information about the enemy's intelligence negligible. Canaris was a recluse and a pessimist, lived alone prior to the collapse of any major military operation, and after its success, glancing over the genius of Adolf Hitler.

We are constantly troubled him low self-esteem. His dislike of some of Hitler's policies, and contacts with activists of the opposition does not bother him to perform duties of head of counterintelligence. He suggested such a move during the war, as the yellow star marking the Jews. He had a complete range of information on crimes committed by the Gestapo and, although initially opposed the methods used routinely by the SS in Poland (in particular the brutal persecution of intellectuals, aristocracy and the clergy), pledged their subordinates to work closely with the security services of the Reich.

With his former disciple of Reinhard Heydrich, Strongly rywalizował, but was with him in a close neighborhood relations. In order to protect themselves and their people from being spied on by the SD Canaris scored a document testifying to the alleged origins of Heydrich niearyjskim, but when he died, at his funeral he delivered a speech of praise, in which he accused the head of the Gestapo

prawdziwym przyjacielem i wielkim człowiekiem”.

In February 1944 Canaris year was dismissed by Hitler, under the pressure of the SS. After a short break, he was transferred to head the Office of the Civil War Economy of the Third Reich.

23 July 1944 years, after an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Hitler, was arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp in the north of Flossenburg Munich, repeatedly tortured and interrogated by the SS.

5 April 1945 , Hitler ordered the execution of Canaris, the sentence was formally approved by the People's Trybubał. 9 April 1945 years, just after the hour 5:30, SS hands threw him on the neck with piano wire loop and slowly suffocated him, to prolong the suffering. Po zdjeciu

noose astonished guards found, that Canaris was still alive, So they hanged him again. Then cut off his feet and hands, and the body was burned.


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