Fatherland – Mystery of the Third Reich

Vaterland Tajemnica III RzeszyThe whole drama of the film is Wrapped on what would happen if. The year is 1964. Adolf Hitler had virtually won World War II. Conquered all of Europe, a large part of Africa, and almost the whole of Russia, remnants of which still puts resistance. With the United States is at war, but more of the Cold War, than real.

Hitler needs peace with the U.S. to finally deal with the Russian partisans. He wants them to do so and their president, Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father) good impression. Meanwhile, a soldier loyal to the Nazis, Xavier March, along with an American journalist encounters a trace of scandal, that Hitler's crimes tuszowała.

Wieść o holocauście na pewno nie spodoba się Amerykanom, Dodatek zachwiała Swiat in the March. But if he manages to thwart fraud and Hitler's plans, the world to know the truth about the massacre?



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