Hiroshima lies of mass destruction?

HiroszimaHiroszima, Japanese port city and industrial center on the main island of Japan.

On 6 August 1945 Hiroshima suffered years of destruction, on an unprecedented scale and unprecedented, as a result of a nuclear attack.

The Japanese had seen American planes already on its territory, but these were isolated cases and not even thought, that they could launch a massive air attack. Ostrzeżono tylko ludność i kierowano do schronów.

At.02:45 on 6 August plane called B-29 “Enola Gay” took off from Tinian.

The bomb was mounted above the plane, aby uniknąć awarii jądrowej na starcie.Razem z Enola Gay wystartował samolot wyposażony w aparaturę fotograficzną i inne urządzenia.

The 08:15 6 August 1945 years, Enola Gay that Hiroszimę zrzucił , 4 ton uranium bomb named “Little Boy”.

The bomb exploded about 560 meters above the city.

Within minutes, plume of smoke and gray-violet fire, went to the ground, at about 4000 C, Thousands of people have been charred in the center of Hiroshima.

All buildings within a radius of 13 miles from the center of the explosion were completely destroyed.

Almost immediately, some were killed 78 000 Population, and seriously injured 37 424.

13 983 people were reported missing, and thousands of others have been irradiated, or has had other serious injuries

9 August 1945r.nad city of Nagasaki atomic bomb exploded a second “Fat Man”, that killed 75 thousands of people and destroyed nearly half of the city.

Among Americans there is a patriotic myth, that the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945 r. resulted in the surrender of the country, the result was to be spared the lives of some 500 k. to millions amerykańskich żołnierzy, who probably perished, if the war lasted longer.

This myth allows the Americans to justify the fact, that their government has killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese women and children, since the explosions killed mainly civilians.

Nie dziwi więc fakt że 80 of 90% Americans, believe in this myth.

It seems, that the decision of the atomic bombings, was not dictated by military, only political. The idea is mainly about the show of force against the rising power in the USSR, and the justification before the U.S. Congress secretly handed vast resources with the approval of the president's proposal for "Manhattan".

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