German anti-Flakturme towers

Anti Towers (Flaktürme) was 8 large ground complexes for air defense. Towers were built in cities: Berlin (3), Hamburg (2), Vienna (3).

They were used by LUFTWAFE to defend against the Allied air raids on the city.

Fulfill the role of shelter for tens of thousands of people, and coordinate defenses for air strikes.

Po atakach na Berlin w 1940 years, Adolf Hitler wydał rozkaz zbudowania z 3 massive towers, equipped with a working anti-aircraft artillery to defend the capital against air attack.

The towers were equipped with a radar installation, retractable at the time of the attack under a thick concrete

murami.W projektowaniu wież udział miał osobiście Hitler który nawet poczynił pewne szkice, were constructed in just 6 months.

Concrete walls with a thickness of 3.5 m, withstand the attacks of allied routine. Towers were able to

maintained at the rate of 8000 rounds per minute, a range of 14 km in the full range of fire 360 degrees. 3-flak towers on the outskirts of Berlin, have created a triangle, fireproof covering the center of Berlin.

These towers, tak średniowieczne zamki, were among the safest places to fight in.

Demolition of the towers after the war was the most difficult, or even impossible to so many of them remained to this day.

Two towers in Vienna:

Towers were almost indestructible, Each wall is made of solid concrete.

Towers could survive a direct hit by Allied bombs.

Since they could not be removed without ruining the entire district, remained to this day.

I think, they are an important part of the history of World War II and should be preserved.

Tower in Hamburg:




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