Josef Mengele – Angel of Death

Anioł ŚmierciThe camp Auschwitz were very many people, before whom the prisoners felt great fear. We could name names here long from the usual serial after the camp commander, but he was someone who was called “angel of death“.
Josef Mengele, because of the question, Born 16 March 1911 Günzburg year in the Danube. He came from a deeply religious Catholic family. After graduating from high school with good examination results Mengele maturity in October 1930 began his medical studies in Munich. In school, he began his fascination with Nazism.
He was one of the most cruel crimes of Auschwitz-Birkenau. For the rest of his life he had no remorse and has remained a staunch Nazi.

At Auschwitz Mengele worked in the examination of Gypsy children with cancer water, disease almost unknown in Europe.

He killed children and performed histopathological examinations on them. There have been known cases of children's heads and organs being sent to the Medical Academy in Graz.
People with unusual physical characteristics, For example, dwarfs, whether the twins were among the special interests Mengele.

PhD studies in children carried out without anesthesia, and they often lasted more than a few hours, were extremely painful and often led to death.
Most of their “patients” Josef Mengele simply uśmiercał, to move to the next stage of his experiments – necropsy.


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