Category: Armament

Secrets of the Castle Czocha

During World War II the castle was strongly defended Czoch Nazi claim. Americans suspect, that the research conducted here missiles. In 1945 in that...

Giant – the mystery of Owl Mountains

Construction of the complex “Giant” in the Owl Mountains was of great importance to Hitler. As is clear from the documents of the Third Reich has been issued for this purpose 150 million marks. Do...

Hiroshima lies of mass destruction?

Hiroszima, Japanese port city and industrial center on the main island of Japan. On 6 August 1945 Hiroshima suffered years of destruction, to an unprecedented and unknown level....

Hitler's secret weapon – Haunebau

14 December 1944 years – New York Times newspaper wrote in an article: “A mysterious flying round a new weapon in Germany.” “Main Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force,...

German missile V-1 jet

Missile V-1 flying bomb commonly known as. Już pod koniec lat trzydziestych rozpoczęto prace nad projektem Fi-103 (V-1) Fritz who ran Gosslau. W pocisku V-1 wykorzystywano...

Best defensive Tiger Tank of World War II?

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger in other words , niemiecki czołg ciężki z okresu II wojny światowej.Choć był mocno uzbrojony i opancerzony był nękany przez awarie mechaniczne. Był...

German anti-Flakturme towers

Anti Towers (Flaktürme) was 8 large ground complexes for air defense. Towers were built in cities: Berlin (3), Hamburg (2), Vienna (3). Były one wykorzystywane...

German World War II weapons.

During World War II, Germany had a significant technological advantage in several areas of arms. It worked to their advantage, especially at the beginning of the war, but under....